Magnesium is essential for the body. And not getting enough of it can lead to diseases like diabetes and digestive problems. To get enough magnesium, you need to eat the top foods rich in magnesium we’ll discuss in this article by ListingBest.com.
Magnesium benefits
Magnesium is one of the best things for your body, and some of the most important things it does are:
- Magnesium plays a big part in how insulin works, making diabetes less likely.
- It controls how much vitamin D and calcium are in the body, which helps lower the risk of osteoporosis.
- It helps control blood pressure, which keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy. It also contains the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which keeps atherosclerosis at bay.
- It eliminates PMS and its side effects, like cramps, fluid retention, and bloating.
- In addition, it helps fight depression and anxiety, making people feel better.
- Magnesium deficiency is terrible for neurotransmitters because it narrows blood vessels, leading to migraines.
- One of magnesium’s benefits is that it makes you less likely to get cancer.
- Because magnesium is good for you, nutritionists recommend eating the best foods that contain magnesium regularly.
Best foods rich in magnesium
In the following few lines, we’ll talk about some of the foods that contain magnesium:
10: Soybean
Soybeans are one of the best foods rich in magnesium because they have a lot of magnesium, protein, minerals, and fiber.
Soy lowers cholesterol and helps keep cancer from happening, especially stomach cancer. And it also reduces the chance of getting heart disease.
9: Quinoa
Quinoa is one of the top foods with magnesium; you can cook it like rice.
It also has proteins and minerals; if you want to lose weight, you can count on it because it will speed up your metabolism.
It’s important to know that one cup of quinoa has 118 mg of magnesium, the same amount of magnesium you need daily.
8: Banana
Bananas contain vitamins like vitamin B6 and C and have manganese and fiber.
Bananas are not only high in potassium, but they also have 37 mg of magnesium in each large banana.
In addition, bananas control blood pressure and also help to lower blood pressure in a big way.
7: Oats
Folic acid, omega 3, and fatty acids are all found in oats. They also have a lot of magnesium, essential for keeping your health in good shape.
It has a lot of protein, fiber, iron, and B vitamins.
Because it has fiber, it can help you lose weight by reducing your appetite and making you eat less throughout the day.
One cup of cooked oats has 69 mg of magnesium, 17% of the magnesium you need daily.
6: Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate has a lot of magnesium and other good things for you, like iron, potassium, antioxidants, and copper.
Dark chocolate makes you feel better and helps get rid of depression.
It also gives you the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
There is 146 mg of magnesium in every 100 grams of raw cocoa.
5: Legumes
There is a lot of magnesium, iron, and potassium in legumes. And it also has fiber and proteins.
So it’s one of the foods that vegetarians and people who don’t like eating animal protein can eat.
In addition, legumes are good for the digestive system.
Red kidney beans are legumes. There are 164 milligrams of magnesium in 100 grams of legumes.
Every 100 grams of black beans has 180 milligrams of magnesium.
There are 65 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of beans.
4: Whole grains
Nutrition experts say that people should eat a lot of whole grains because they are full of nutrients, the most important of which are magnesium and carbs.
People trying to lose weight are also told to switch from white bread to bread made from whole grains.
Pasta, rice, and bread are all made from whole grains.
Whole grains help with digestion and weight loss because they make you feel full for a long time. It makes you eat less, which helps you lose weight.
There are 76 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of whole-grain bread.
There are 39 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of brown rice.
The amount of magnesium in rye bread is 40 mg.
3: Fish
Fish is a good source of omega-3 and unsaturated fatty acids. Not only does it have vitamins and minerals, but it also has a lot of magnesium.
Nutrition experts agree that you must eat fish at least twice weekly to stay healthy and avoid getting sick.
Fish is one of the foods rich in magnesium, so you should eat it often.
There are 46 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of herring.
As for sardines, there is 39 mg of magnesium in every 100 grams of this type of fish.
There are 94 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of salmon.
2: Leafy vegetables
There is a lot of magnesium in leafy vegetables, so it is important to eat them regularly to get this important element and prevent diseases.
Leafy vegetables also have iron, which helps prevent anemia, and antioxidants, which help prevent cancer.
As it helps speed up the metabolism, it is a good way to get rid of extra weight and burn fat.
There are 70 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of beet leaves.
There are 79 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of spinach.
In addition, there are 47 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of watercress.
1: Nuts
Nuts are a good source of magnesium, minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats, And it’s one of the best foods rich in magnesium.
Nuts are good for you in many ways. They help control the amount of cholesterol in your blood, which keeps your heart healthy.
It helps your health by getting less likely to get type 2 diabetes.
Almond Butter: Almonds have 270 mg of magnesium for every 100 grams.
There are 292 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of cashews.
There are 121 milligrams of magnesium in every 100 grams of pistachios.
Many foods generally benefit your health and contain a lot of magnesium, but this remains the most important. I hope you like this article.